Thursday, January 12, 2012

Training so far.

Training consist of class room study/tests, training on location(in the train yard) and OJT(on the job training). The schedule goes
3 weeks new hire classroom training
3 weeks OJT
2 weeks conductor(classroom) training
2 weeks OJT
10 days RCO(remote control operator) class room training
1 week OJT
 After you complete all of that your considered "marked up" which means you can go to work. Your still in a probationary period which railroaders call the "derail period"(railroaders have various different terminologies for everything).
 So far class has been good. Iv made good grades on everything and haven't had any problems. In class you study and do home work. You take quiz's and tests over most subjects. You have to make an 85 on your tests in order to pass. If you fail one you're given a second chance the following day but then you have to make a 90 or better. If you don't your fired so it's a good idea to take it serious and study. The things you learn will also save your life while your at work.
The first week we learned the general orders that are out of GCOR(General code of operating rules). It;s mostly the same policies every company has but GCOR goes into greater depth. We also learned about HAZMAT(hazardous materials) and about what type of authority you need for the various parts of the track.
 Class is Mon-Sat 8am-5pm. And no that's not a miss print. Class is 6 days a week. I got a pretty good instructor so I haven't had any trouble understanding anything. I think as long as someone pays attention and asks questions when they don't understand something, they'll do fine. I'm half way through with training so Ill update my blog after I take the final exam.